Friday, May 13, 2011

MAC Week 2 - Free Choice: Burnout and Reflections

Well, here we are, second to the last month of the EMDT Master's program and I must say, I am looking forward to it being over. I did enjoy the journey of the program and found each course to be quite informative and thought provoking, however, I believe I am in burnout currently. I do feel that it is mostly due to the fact that I work in FSO all week and then when I come home, I had to work in FSO for the class work and after almost a year of doing that, I am just really wanting to take a step away from it for awhile. Since the MAC class is the second to the last one, I am trying to hold out until this is all over and done with before taking that break, but I know I am definitely going to need one.

I must say that I have learned quite a bit going through this program. My background before working at Full Sail dealt mainly with computer systems and network administration. so my techniques for teaching were straight to the point and 'bulletpoint-y' in nature. This program allowed me to see all the different ways to be able to engage students and give them a more enhanced learning experience. From the Multiple Intelligences to learning how to best utilize multimedia and web 2.0 tools, it gave me the tools to help revamp the course I teach to incorporate these techniques and philosophies to better engage students. Now I am trying to find ways to further what I have learned to make the learning experience even better for them by trying to find more ways to use virtual worlds to really motivate the students. So far, I have written quite a few assignments and discussions that I could use as course work and am trying to spread the knowledge to other instructors on how they could incorporate Second Life into their course for a more interactive experience with their students. I do feel that this is the next step that online education needs to take to give the students that interactivity that many online courses still lack. Overall, my experiences through the EMDT has made me a better instructor, I feel, and am now armed with the tools I will need to continue to bring an engaging learning experience for the students of Full Sail.


  1. Kris, I couldn't agree more. I, too, teach online (using a different platform, obviously). My work is done completely at home with my PC on one side of my L-Shaped desk and my Mac on the other side. You know if I'm a teacher or student by the direction I'm facing and the computer I'm using. haha!

    I already have a MS in Ed Leadership/Administration, but I have learned more practical and immediately applicable information from Full Sail than I did in my BS and MS combined, I believe. My problem is that I really want to dig into some of these things, but there hasn't been the time to do it.

    I, too, am struggling with burnout as my team at FLVS attempts to survive senior season while going through trainings to implement our new LMS. That, coupled with my Developing Leader program at FLVS (I'll be giving presentations next week), and an impending move back to north Florida (6/4) has left me feeling very run down (major understatement). Like you, I have a great appreciation for what I've learned during my time at Full Sail, but I am counting the days until graduation. Time for a system reboot. :)

    Thank you for your honest post!

    Amanda McGhee

  2. Hang in there Kris! You are really so close. The flow of the next few weeks will go pretty quickly, but the cool part is that you'll be building upon/elevating things you've already created. Before you know it, you'll be back to wondering what to do with all your free time. :)

  3. PS - It's great to hear about the positive impact the EMDT program has had in your classroom!
