Tuesday, May 24, 2011

MAC Wk4 Publishing/Leadership project part 2 of 2: Presentation Findings

After doing some steady thinking about exactly what I want to do for my Publication/Leadership Project, I am definitely going with the Presentation way.  I am not very good at writing papers and I feel that I would do much better at presenting my material to an audience where they can see my enthusiasm and passion for showing it than having a long, data intensive paper that probably would not get read. What better way to draw interest than showing interest and passion in the work by standing up and talking about it. So, I searched for a bunch of conferences on the web. Needless to say, this was much more difficult than I had anticipated as most of the conferences were done overseas and I really did not want to have to travel out of the country to do a conference as I do not have the financial backing for that.  I did end up finding two places that I would like to send my material to so I can see if I could get a chance to present my ARP to. Here they are:

ASHE - http://www.ashe.ws/

ASHE, or the Association for the Study of Higher Education, holds a couple conferences a year where educators from all around can come and collaborate on different ways to increase ways to make higher education better.  They also put out a full journal of all that was focused on through research, conferences, and other journals for educators to read and catch up on all the new innovations that might end up showing up in education.  One of the reasons why I believe this would be a good conference to present at is due to the fact that this association has been around for awhile and has gotten a good backing as well as there will be many instructors from all over that do attend the conferences this association hosts.  I may or may not get in, but it would be a good place to present to if able.

EDUCAUSE - http://www.educause.edu/

EDUCAUSE would be the second place that I would be interested in doing a presentation at for one of their conferences. This one deals more in the technology and since my project and presentation is talking about the benefits of the use of Second Life for education, I feel that this would be a good fit for a conference here.  EDUCAUSE is another well known in the education field and would provide me with a way to get my presentation out to other teachers and instructors to show them my research and how they could use it to supplement their own teaching. Ideally, I would love to at least be able to present one time as I am passionate about my topic and I feel that many more would benefit from what I concluded.

These would be my two primary choices where I would want to present my project to as they are both well established and have a good amount of memberships so I could tap into that database of knowledge and also impart some of my own to help better the educational cause.

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