Sunday, October 17, 2010

PE2_Adobe Flash CS5(Part2)

Making the Navbar...Flash style
So, after taking a day to watch some video tutorials, I went and started working in Flash some more.This time it was to tackle more of my personal website, so I started making the navigation bar. Let me tell you, I literally had to go back and forth a couple dozen times between the tutorials on that and in Flash to start getting this to work. Just creating a simple navigation bar was quite the chore as I had to first make the background bar, then convert it into a symbol, then make a mask of it and convert that to a symbol. Seems like everything had to be a symbol with complex masking on it to be able to get a proper navigation bar system in place, which I found completely tedious as I could have whipped up a nice fancy navigation bar in no time using Photoshop and Dreamweaver. So, I slogged through the creation of this new navigation bar and, after many undos and redos later, I finally got the navigation bar done! Yay! Go me! Though, if this is any indication of what is to come, I knew that there is much more frustration ahead.

To be honest, I think this is why I dropped Flash all together and stuck with working in normal HTML coding as I could do it a lot faster that way. Anyway, I pretty much stopped for the day after making the navigation bar as I felt my brain needed a cooling down period from that ordeal, so I stepped away and worked on other assignments and things and would come back to this later to get the rest of the Flash page done.
Finished Navbar...Whew!

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